Alphacrucis College

Created for Good

About Alphacrucis College



Alphacrucis College believe’s that everyone is created for a purpose. Its mission is to help you discover and be equipped for your calling, so you can make an impact in the world for Christ.

As the national ministry training college of the Australian Christian Churches, we are united through a sense of belonging to our community, our integrative approach to education within a Christian framework and the relevance of our training in a rapidly changing world.

Alphacrucis College Courses available in WA!


With VET, Bachelors and Masters courses in Arts, Business, Chaplaincy, Counselling, Education, Ministry, Music, Social Science and Theology there are many entry pathways and the freedom to study on campus throughout Australia or online.  Alphacrucis College (AC) offers study modes like local church college, intensives, professional development, and study tours. 

AC qualifications are recognised by Australian Counselling Association, the Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) Australia, Chaplaincy Australia and other professional industry bodies.

AC has been consistently rated 5 stars by students in Educational Experience, Teaching Quality and Skills Development*


* AC has scored 5 Stars in Educational Experience, Teaching Quality and Skills Development in the past 7 years in the Federal Government’s Student Experience Surveys, QILT.


Donna Kipps

WA State Director

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