Office Address & Main Campus

8/24 Discovery Drive
Bibra Lake WA 6163

Centrepoint Church is a contemporary, Word based Church, which exists to rescue the lost and restore them into a right relationship with Jesus Christ.

Whether you are curious about Christianity or seriously seeking a spiritual home, we warmly welcome you to attend a weekend service. To cater for the whole family, we have special children’s programs for ages one to twelve during the service. Frontline, the Youth Ministry of Centrepoint Church, runs every Friday night and caters for ages twelve to eighteen.



Bibra Lake Campus

8/24 Discovery Drive, Bibra Lake
Sunday Services: 10am, 4pm
Friday Youth Service: 7pm

Byford Campus

Byford Secondary College, Gordon Way, Byford
Sunday Service: 10am

Maddington Campus

1895 Albany Highway, Maddington
Sunday Service: 10am
Friday Youth Service: 7pm

Singleton Campus

24 Cavender Street, Singleton
Sunday Service: 10am

Narrogin Campus

Narrogin Senior High School – Performing Arts Theatre
45 Gray Street, Narrogin
Sunday Service: 10am


Senior Pastors: Joel and Sharon Chelliah
Libra Lake Campus Pastors: Tim and Jess English
Byford Campus Pastors: Joe and Lisa Rossi
Maddington Campus Pastors: Peter and Eudora Hammer
Singleton Campus Pastors: Joshua and Talitha Lindley
Narrogin Campus Pastors: John and Patti Hardy

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