No matter who we minister to, we want that ministry to be safe, encouraging and strengthening for both those being ministered to, and those who are serving within that ministry. In order to do this, ACCWA provides safer churches training workshops for credential holders, board members and volunteers in safer church ministry and a safer churches national helpline has been set up.
ACCWA are committed to full compliance with the ACC Child Protection Policy and Safer Churches Guidelines. This commitment is part of our mandate to operate according to biblical, Christian principles for living and for recognising the unique value and potential of every person. It will inform our policy making, procedure implementation and our interactions with each other. The ACC Safer Churches National Helpline 1800 070 511 is operated by Creating Safer Communities and has been established for local churches and those who have Safer Churches concerns and enquiries.
ACC local churches, as self-governing entities, bear the ultimate responsibility for implementing the ACC Safer Churches strategy in the church. Church boards or governing bodies are required to appoint a local church Safer Churches Person/Team who is the contact point for reporting of Safer Churches type concerns. To assist ACC local churches and pastors with implementing the Safer Churches strategy, the tools and resources are available to download from our ACC National website.
In addition, the ACCWA State Executive has appointed a State Safer Churches Officer to assist with the implementation of the ACC Safer Churches strategy both at the state level and within local churches. If churches require any assistance or advice implementing safer church guidelines and procedures, please contact our ACCWA Safer Churches Officer.

Safer Churches Training
All ACC Credential and Certificate holders are required to complete training to obtain and maintain their Credential/Certificate. A refresher course is required every three years, in line with best practice and accepted standards. Before commencing the credential process, Senior Pastors are to ensure that candidates have completed the required Safer Churches training.
ACC has developed the following training options in conjunction with Creating Safer Communities for all ACC people and pastors:
Safer Churches Induction
This training is a requirement for all ACC Credential holders, or those applying for a credential who have not completed the face-to-face induction workshop. This in depth training is also recommended for Board members and key leaders, and reflects the National Principles of Child Safety as adopted by COAG.
Safer Churches Refresher
All ACC Credential holders, or those applying for a credential must update their Safer Churches training every three years. This training is for those who have previously completed the induction workshop and includes updates to legislative requirements and best practice in Safer Churches ministry.
Safer Churches Essentials for Volunteers
This training is suitable for volunteers only, not for ACC Credential Holders, or those applying for a credential.
WA Statutory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse
ACC Pastors are required by law to report child sexual abuse if they believe on reasonable grounds that a child either has been the subject of sexual abuse that occurred on or after 1 November 2022; or is the subject of ongoing sexual abuse.
Click here to complete the WA government’s training on mandatory reporting.
Working With Children Card
All ACCWA credential/certificate holders and those who work or volunteer in ‘child-related work’ in an ACC church are required to hold a current WWCC.
Please click here for more information.
National Police Check
As part of the ACC credential process, candidates are required to provide a National Police Check.
To apply for a police check online, please click here.